Is Your Child in Better Shape Than You?

April 12th, 2016

9 year-old girl who completed a Navy SEAL-inspired obstacle course to show her school bullies that every child should be proud of his/her body? She is the living embodiment of a Nike ad. This amazing child completed the Battlefrog race BFX24 — a 24-hour U.S. Navy SEAL-inspired obstacle course that requires participants to race 36 miles, swim eight kilometers and conquer 25 obstacles that include a rope climb, crawling under barbed wire and climbing a 12-foot wall for six laps. As an adult, could you do that? Not many adults have the dedication to adhere to the rigorous athletic training schedule needed to complete this grueling race. As a Certified Athletic Trainer and the founder of Fitness for Health, an exercise facility working with children through senior citizens in the Washington, DC, area that specializes in athletic training using state-of-the-art, exergaming technology, I am routinely asked, “When can my child begin lifting weights/strength training to prepare for sports season?” “Resistance training,” “strength training” and “weight training” all relate to the use of free weights and/or weight machines to increase muscular strength and muscular endurance. Weight lifting involves the use of free weights (usually heavier than those used in weight training). It is very important to remember that lifting weights can cause injury, especially if the athlete is not physically mature enough to handle the movement and/or weight. Proper technique is also very important for injury prevention and for maximum results — no matter your age. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that:

  • Children be well supervised by qualified adults.
  • Any weight training program be appropriate to the child’s stage of maturation and assessed objectively by medical personnel. (Proper bone development is one of the key factors to assess.)
  • Children avoid weight lifting, power lifting, bodybuilding and the use of maximal amounts of weight until they have met certain developmental criteria.
The biggest indication of whether children can lift weights is their physically maturity. Using weights or excessively exercising at a young age can impair their growth permanently. Although it’s true that exercising strengthens your muscles and bones, doing too much too soon and improper form can lead to damaging muscles and bones with injuries. Extra care is needed for teenagers with an interest for weight training – whether for sports or personal health. Speak to a physician before allowing your child to begin a strength or athletic training regimen. To give yourself peace of mind, consider working with an athletic trainer who has a degree in kinesiology or physical education and has experience working with children and teenagers.  Or, register your child in a program at a children’s gym where he/she will receive one-on-one instruction in a workout specifically designed to meet his/her individual goals while improving kids’ health. Encouraging fitness for kids is important at any age. In fact, kids who are active at a young age tend to stay active later in life — and have a lower risk of becoming obese and developing heart disease. But, it is also important to ask your child why he/she wants to begin a more formalized workout program.  Is it to lose weight to increase self-esteem? Improve athletic skills? Begin bodybuilding? Your child’s answers will give you an indication whether he/she is emotionally ready and also clue you in if any problems may exist. For example, if your child is being bullied, he/she may want to “bulk up” in order to feel safe and secure. Would you or your child like to have an athletic edge on the court or field this summer?  Fitness for Health now offers a unique program that is unlike any other athletic training and performance development program anywhere, EDGE training! Most athletes only train to improve their speed, strength, agility and conditioning.  That just isn’t enough.  Our one-on-one and group children’s athletic performance development program, EDGE training, helps athletes at ALL levels develop the skills that give them an edge on—and off—the field, including gross and fine motor skills, mental processing and planning and visual motor skills. React faster, improve hand-eye coordination, think faster and up your game using state-of-the-art exergaming equipment.  Learn more about Fitness for Health’s EDGE training today!]]>

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